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Our society hosts one production in each of the three terms, with our Summer Term Production performed and produced entirely by students in their first year of study. 

Any student at Royal Holloway is welcome to audition for any production (excluding the First Year Show). Our productions offer an array of major, supporting and ensemble male/female/gender neutral roles to ensure we accommodate actors' time schedules as much as possible. If you prefer working behind the scenes, our productions offer excellent opportunities to direct, produce, stage manage, design and create tech/costume/make-up/publicity, choreograph dance/stage combat, compose music and many other creative jobs.

If you would like to bid a production to the society, you will need to form a production team including at least a director, a producer and a deputy stage manager. Other roles may include assistant director, dramaturg (for tricky Shakespearean text!), stage manager, costume designer, publicity officer or technical co-ordinator. The committee will invite you to create an electronic bid-pack on Microsoft Word and a physical bid-pack that could be anything you want! Your team will then organise a time to meet with the bid panel (members of the committee) and you will pitch your idea to us. More information can be found on our Facebook page once we release the bid-pack information at least two weeks before the end of term/when the meetings take place.


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